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Relieving, Joining Appliaction Forms and Orders for Transfers and Promotions 2023

Forms For Transfers October  2023

ఈ క్రింద  క్లిక్ చేసి మీ వివరాలు ఒకసారి నమోదు చేయగానే మీ అన్ని ట్రాన్స్ ఫర్ ఫార్మ్స్ అనగా 1. రిలివింగ్ ఆర్డర్ కొరకు అప్లికేషన్ ఫార్మ్స్ , 2. రిలివింగ్ ఆర్డర్ , 3. జాయినింగ్ ఆర్డర్ కోసం అప్లికేషన్ ఫార్మ్స్ , 4. జాయినింగ్ ఆర్డర్, 5. సర్వీస్ బుక్ లో రాసే ప్రో ఫార్మా లు, 5. లాస్ట్ పే సర్టిఫికేట్ అప్లికేషన్ ఫార్మ్ లు అన్ని ఒకే ఒక్క క్లిక్ తో పొందవచ్చు. ప్రింట్ / PDF లో పొందవచ్చు.

1. Application form for Relieving Order:

Date: .../10/2023
Gaz.Headmaster/Complex Headmaster
Office :...................................................

Design :.........................................
                      Mandal : ...............................................
   Emp ID: ........................................
   School: .........................................

                          Subject: Application form for Issuing Relieving Order -Reg

  Refference : 1. G.O.Ms.No. 5 SE (Ser-II) Dept. Dt. 25.01.2023
  2. G.O.Ms.No. 9 SE (Ser-II) Dept. Dt. 07.02.2023
  3.Director of School Education Rc.No. 
                            565/Trans/Ser-IV-2/2022 Dt. 07.02.2023
4. Orders of the Hon'ble High Court Dt. 30.08.2023 in I.A. No. 
                            2/2023 in W.P.No. 2856/2023 and I.A No. 4,6 and 8/2023 
                            in W.P No. 3962/2023
5. G.O.Ms.No 81 Dated:18.06.2018 Transfers and postings 
                            of employees
6. Proc Rc No: ..................................., Dated : 2023-10-.... vide 
DEO ....................................................... ( Transfer Order );

Sir / Madam !:

As per subject and references cited above , Iam requesting you that ,I ( ............................................. Emp ID............................ ) has been working as a ................................................, at MPPS/MPUPS/ZPHS ............................................. being transfered to MPPS/MPUPS/ZPHS ............................................., Dist ......................................

So , Please issue releiving order to me further action.

Thanking You Sir / Madam .....

Yours faithfully
Emp ID:..........................................
1. Transfer Order

2. Relieving Order:

Proceeding of the  Gaz.Headmaster/Complex Headmaster
MANDAL: ........................................., DIST: ......................................
Present: ..................................
Proc.No:.........                                                                                               Dated: ..../10/2023.

Subject:  School Education - Transfers of certain teachers by way of web Counselling- 
     Relieving Orders Issued

Refference :  1. G.O.Ms.No. 5 SE (Ser-II) Dept. Dt. 25.01.2023
2. G.O.Ms.No. 9 SE (Ser-II) Dept. Dt. 07.02.2023
3. Director of School Education Rc.No. 565/Trans/Ser-IV-2/2022 
    Dt. 07.02.2023
4. Orders of the Hon'ble High Court Dt. 30.08.2023 in I.A. No. 2/2023 in 
     W.P.No. 2856/2023 and I.A No. 4,6 and 8/2023 in W.P No. 3962/2023
5. G.O.Ms.No 81 Dated:18.06.2018 Transfers and postings of  employees
6. Proc Rc No: ......................................, Dated : 2023-10-....... vide 
     DEO ...................................................... ( Transfer Order );
7. Applications of the individuals
As per subject and references cited above , 'Showing in Annexure -1 employees' have been transferred and requested to relieve them from present working place. Therefore the undersigned is here by relieved the following teachers with instructions to report concern office Immediately.

And also the incumbents are instructed to submit the joining report to this office to issue the Last Pay Certificate for further salary payments.

Signature of the Head of the office
Gaz.Headmaster/Complex Headmaster
MANDAL: ........................................., 
DIST: ......................................
Copy to :
1.The office file
2.The Incumbent
4.DEO Office

3. Application Form For Joining Order:

Application Form For Joining Order

Date: .../10/2023

Gaz. Headmaster;

Emp ID:..............................................

Subject: Application form for Issuing Joining Order -Reg

Refference : 1. G.O.Ms.No. 5 SE (Ser-II) Dept. Dt. 25.01.2023
          2. G.O.Ms.No. 9 SE (Ser-II) Dept. Dt. 07.02.2023
          3. Director of School Education Rc.No. 565/Trans/Ser-IV-2/2022 Dt. 
          4. Orders of the Hon'ble High Court Dt. 30.08.2023 in I.A. No. 2/2023 in 
W.P.No. 2856/2023 and I.A No. 4,6 and 8/2023 in W.P No. 3962/2023
         5. G.O.Ms.No 81 Dated:18.06.2018 Transfers and postings of employees
         6. Proc Rc No: .................., Dated : 2023-10-.... vide DEO .............................. ;
          7. Proc Rc No: .............., Dated : ..../09/2023 vide .......................................... 
( Relieving Order );

Sir / Madam !:

As per subject and references cited above , Iam requesting you that ,I ( ......................................................Emp Id................................ ) has been worked as a ................................., at ..................................................................being transfered to ........................................................., Mandal: ..............................................., Dist ......................................

So , Please issue joining order to me further action.

Thanking You Sir / Madam .....

Yours faithfully
1. Transfer Order
2. Relieving Order

4. Joining Order

Proceedings of the Gaz. Headmaster/ Complex Headmaster
Mandal: .............................., Dist: ...........................................
Present: ...................................................................
Proc.No:.........                                                                                                           Dated: ..../10/2023.

Subject: School Education - Transfers - Joining Orders Issued
Refference: 1. G.O.Ms.No. 5 SE (Ser-II) Dept. Dt. 25.01.2023
         2. G.O.Ms.No. 9 SE (Ser-II) Dept. Dt. 07.02.2023
        3. Director of School Education Rc.No. 565/Trans/Ser-IV-2/2022 Dt. 
        4. Orders of the Hon'ble High Court Dt. 30.08.2023 in I.A. No. 2/2023 in 
  W.P.No. 2856/2023 and I.A No. 4,6 and 8/2023 in W.P No. 3962/2023
        5. G.O.Ms.No 81 Dated:18.06.2018 Transfers and postings of employees
                     6. Proc Rc No: ....................., Dated : 2023-10-.... vide DEO ..................................
        7. Proc Rc No: .............., Dated : ..../10/2023 vide .................( Relieving Order );
        8. Applications of individuals


As per subject and references cited above , Showing in Annexure -1 employees are has been Transfered and relived from previous working place has requested to join them to present working place.

Therefore the is here by joined them from on dated : 2023-10-01 F/N will be to report to the Immediately.

Signature of the Head of the office
Copy to :
1.The office file
2.The Incumbent
4.DEO Office

5. Service Book Entries 

Service Book Entry Proformas

Relieving Entry

The incumbent has been transfered vide Proc.No : .............................................. dated : 2023-10-...... vide DEO ................................. to ........................................................., Mandal: ..........................................,Dist: .............................. and relieved vide Proc.No ................... dated: .../.../2023 vide Gaz.Headmaster/Complex Headmaster 

Signature of the Gaz.Headmaster/Complex Headmaster 

Joining Entry

The incumbent has been transfered vide Proc.No : ........................................, dated : 2023-10-... vide DEO ............................................................ to MPPS/MPUPS/ZPHS...................................................., Mandal: ..................................................,Dist: .............................................................. and joined vide Proc.No ................... dated: .../.../2023 vide .Gaz.Headmaster/Complex Headmaster 

                                                                                            Signature of the Gaz.Headmaster/Complex Headmaster 

6. No Dues Certificate

No Dues Certificate

MPPS/MPUPS/ZPHS ............................................., Mandal: .............................., Dist: ..........................

No:.............                                                                                                                Dated: ..../10/2023.

Sri / Smt: ................................, Design: .............................., Employee ID: .................................... Ex / Formarly employee of this school, handovered to me of all types of documents such as a registers, files, folders, books, notebooks, records etc ; stationay items such as pens, pencils, scales, sketches; Teaching Learning Materials of all subjects to which are he / she incharged .All are Overd to me on date : ..... / 10/ 2023. He / she has No Dues to School as on today.

Entitlements of :
Casual Leaves : ......... Days,
Special Casual Leaves : ......... Days,
CC Leaves : ......... Days,
Woman Leaves : ......... Days,



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Application Form For Issue Last Pay Certificate

Date: .../09/2023

Sri / Smt:Ramzan Ali.
EmpId: 1819223 ;
Mandal: GAJWEL ;

Subject: Application form for Issuing Last Pay Certificate -Reg
Refference : 1. G.O.Ms.No. 5 SE (Ser-II) Dept. Dt. 25.01.2023
2. G.O.Ms.No. 9 SE (Ser-II) Dept. Dt. 07.02.2023
3. Director of School Education Rc.No. 565/Trans/Ser-IV-2/2022 Dt. 07.02.2023
4. Orders of the Hon'ble High Court Dt. 30.08.2023 in I.A. No. 2/2023 in W.P.No. 2856/2023 and I.A No. 4,6 and 8/2023 in W.P No. 3962/2023
5. G.O.Ms.No 81 Dated:18.06.2018 Transfers and postings of employees
6. Proc Rc No: gfakfh/1028, Dated : 2023-10-01 vide DEO SIDDIPET ( Transfer Order );
7. Proc Rc No: ............... , Dated : .... /09/2023 ( Joining Order );
8. Proc Rc No: ............... , Dated : .... /09/2023 ( Relieving Order Hand Over's );

Sir / Madam !:

As per subject and references cited above , Iam requesting you that ,I ( Ramzan Ali ) has been working as a PS.HM, at MPPS AHMADIPUR being transfered to MPPS SC COLONY AHMADIPUR, Mandal: GAJWEL, Dist SIDDIPET.

So , Please issue Last Pay Certificate to me further action.
Thanking You Sir / Madam .....

Yours faithfully
Ramzan Ali

1. Transfer Order

1. Relieving Order

1. Joining Order

Sign Of The School Incharge / HM


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