Maintenance Grants for IERC with Buildings & IERC Without Buildings - Revised orders issued - Reg. Re.No.3471/TSS/IE/T8/2022 Date: 15.10.2022
Sub: TSS, Hyderabad - IE Wing-Maintenance Grants for IERC with Buildings & IERC Without Buildings - Revised orders issued - Reg.
Ref: 1. This office Proc.Rc.No.3471/SSA/IE/T8/2017 Dt:01.02.2018. 2. This office Proc.Rc.No.3471/TSS/IE/T8/2022 Dt:19.08.2022
The attention of the District Educational Officers & Ex-Officio District Project Officers, Samagra Shiksha in the state is invited to the reference 2nd read above, through which an amount of Rs.60,19,800/- (Rupees Sixty Lakhs Nineteen Thousand and Eight Hundred only) was released towards Maintenance Grant to IERCS in the state to meet the expenditure towards Electricity, Water, Sanitary Charges, Stationary etc., The District wise IERCs with building Non-IERCS without buildings functioning in schools during the year 2022-2023 as follows:
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