Director of Government Examinations (FAC), Telangana State:: Hyderabad..
All the District Educational Officers,
Sri. A. Krishna Rao, M.Sc., M.Ed.,
in the State.
Constitute sufficient number of verification teams and feeding of Formative Assessment Marks of the SSC Regular Candidates through Online dRc.No.51/J-1/2022, Date:24-01-2023.
Sub: SSC, OSSC and SSC Vocational Public Examinations April 2023 Constitute sufficient number of verification teams and feeding of Formative Assessment Marks of the Regular Candidates through Online- Guidelines communicating-Reg.
Ref: 1. Govt. G.O.Ms.No.33, School Education (Prog-II) Department, Dated:28-12-2022. 2. Guidelines for uploading of Formative Assessment Marks through Online.
With reference to the Government G.O. 1" cited, I am to inform you that the Government had issued Orders while reducing the number of SSC question papers from 11 to 6 (one paper for each subject) and changed the Examination pattern for the academic year 2022-23 onwards.
Further, I request you to instruct the same to all the Headmasters / Principals to follow the New pattern of SSC Public Examinations April 2023 while feeding of Formative Assessment Marks through Online.
Therefore, I request you to Constitute Verification Teams with sufficient number of persons for verification of the Formative Assessment Marks uploaded by the Headmasters/ Principals in the District. The constitution of the Verification Team may be done as per the previous procedure.
A provision will be made in the web portal i.e www.bse.telangana.gov.in to all the Headmasters/Principals to upload the Internal Marks (FA marks) of Regular candidates from 01-03-2023 to 08-03-2023 by login into their School Id.
Further, I am herewith enclosing Guidelines for uploading of Internal Marks (FA marks) of the Regular candidates prepared by concerned authorities and request you to make necessary arrangement to issue instructions to all the Headmasters / Principals to upload the Internal Marks (FA Marks) of the Regular candidates in the above given schedule.
Yours faithfully,
Copy submitted to the DSE, TS, Hyderabad for favour of kind information. Copy forwarded to Director, SCERT, TS, Hyderabad for information. Copy forwarded to RIDSES of Hyderabad and Warangal for information. Copy to all ACGES in the State for information and necessary action.
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