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Data Entry of Children performance in CCE website in the academic year 2022 - 23 Proc . Rc . No. 5224 / TSS / Pdg / T6 / 2019-2 , Dated : 19.08.2022


 Present : Smt . A. Sreedevasena , IAS . , 

Data Entry of Children performance in CCE website in the academic year 2022 - 23 Proc . Rc . No. 5224 / TSS / Pdg / T6 / 2019-2 , Dated : 19.08.2022

Data Entry of Children performance in CCE website in the academic year 2022 - 23 - Reg . 

Ref: Govt Memo No. 8828 / S.E Prog.lI/A1/2022 , dt : 29.06.2022 communicated in proceedings Rc . No. 100 / Genl / 2022 , dated : 29.06.2022 of the DSE , Telangana State , Hyderabad . 


 All the District Educational Offices in the State are informed that the CCE is implemented in all schools in the State from 2014 - 15 onwards . 4 formative and 2 summative assessment are being conducted every year from 2016-17 onwards . Tracking child - wise performance through child info website " schooledu.telangana.gov.in " for the academic year 2022-23 is taken up in collaboration with TS Online . TS Online has developed software for uploading the information of child - wise , class - wise , subject - wise curricular , co - curricular performance using the child - info data . This year also the Samagra Shiksha has decided to collect the information and upload into the same application . 

In this regard , the TS Online has made available the child - wise , school - wise format for the year 2022-23 for uploading the children attendance and performance at school and mandal level . In this regard the following instructions are to be followed at the mandal and school levels .

 The guidelines for uploading the child - wise performance ( F.As and S.As ) in to child info website " schooledu.telangana.gov.in " as follows 

1. Use same Username , password and URL address , which is used to open child - info website.

2. If any technical problem in uploading the data , the Mandal MIS people may contract Mr. Latheef or Mr. Mahesh , Mobile Number : 9000906181 and email - id : ts.isms.support@arponline.in Accordingly the TS Online has made available child - wise , school - wise format for the year 2022-23 for uploading the children attendance and performance at 1


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