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Transmission schedule of Digital Lessons from 08.12.2020 to 21.12.2020 Rc No.342/D2/SIET/2019-20 Dated: 07.12.2020

Proceedings of the Director, State Institute of Educational Technology, Ramanthapur, Hyderabad – 500 013

Present: A.Krishna Rao, M.Sc., M.Ed.

Transmission schedule of Digital Lessons from 08.12.2020 to 21.12.2020 Rc No.342/D2/SIET/2019-20 Dated: 07.12.2020 

SIET, Hyderabad Digital Lessons · 

Transmission schedule of Digital Lessons from 08.12.2020 to 21.12.2020 through Doordarshan (Yadagiri Communicated · Reg.


  Channel) and T-SAT (Vidya/Nipuna Channel)- 

1. Procs.Rc.No. 100/Genl. 1/2020. Dated: 03.07.2020 of the CSE, TS, Hyderabad. 
2. Note orders of the Director of School Education in Onf.No.342/D2/ SIET/2019-20, Dated: 14.08.2020. 
3. This office Letter. Rc. Even. No. Dated: 29.08.2020, 11.09.2020 26.09.2020, 09.10.2020, 27.10.2020, 09.11.2020 & 21.11.2020. 
4. Procs. Rc.No. 1540/TSS/Pdg/T6/2020, Dated: 23.11.2020 of the State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha, Telangana State, Hyderabad. 


    As per the instructions in the references 1st & 2nd read above, the draft transmission schedule was forwarded to the Director of School Education and Ex-Officio: State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha, Telangana State, Hyderabad vide this office letters in the 3rd read above for communicating the same to all District Educational Officers. Subsequently, the Director of School Education and Ex-Officio: State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha, Telangana State in the 4th read above, issued instructions to communicate the transmission schedule hereafter from the Office of the Director, SIET, Hyderabad. In view of the above, the Digital Lessons transmission schedule from 08.12.2020 to 21.12.2020 to be telecast through Doordarshan (Yadagiri Channel) and T-SAT (Vidya/Nipuna Channel) in allotted time slots is herewith communicated to all District Educational Officers in the State with a request to take necessary action in the matter. Hence, all the District Educational Officers in the State are requested to communicate the same to the concerned officials in their respective districts for taking necessary steps for viewing the digital lessons by the school children. 

Encl: As above. 


 To All the District Educational Officers in the State. Copy to the Regional Joint Director, Hyderabad and Warangal District for information. Copy submitted to the Director of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad. Copy submitted to the Director of School Education and Ex-Officio: State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha, Telangana State, Hyderabad for favour of information. Copy forwarded to the Director, SCERT, TS, Hyderabad for information. Copy forwarded to the Addl. Director, TSMS, Hyderabad for information. Copy forwarded to the Secretary, TSREIS, Hyderabad for information. // True Copy Attested //


Abstract for primary schools

Urdu Medium

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