Sanction of Notional Increments to the untrained ST Teachers selected through DSC - 2000 , Special DSC - 2000 and DSC - 2001 Roc . No . 11021 / 105 / 2018 / JSEC ( 1312912 / 2018 / J3 ) dated 09 / 02 / 2020


Olo the Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration , AP . , Guntur


Sanction of Notional Increments to the untrained ST Teachers selected through DSC - 2000 , Special DSC - 2000 and DSC - 2001 Roc . No . 11021 / 105 / 2018 / JSEC ( 1312912 / 2018 / J3 ) dated 09 / 02 / 2020

Sub : -

    Municipal Administration Department - Municipal Education - Request for sanction of Notional Increments to the untrained ST Teachers selected through DSC - 2000 , Special DSC - 2000 and DSC - 2001 on par with the School Education Department - Considered - Certain instructions - Issued - Regarding .

Ref :

1 ) Govt . Memo . No . 723106 / Services - II / A - 1 / 2017 , School Education Department , dated . 31 . 07 . 2018 .

2 ) Proc . Rc . No . 2096 / Estt . III / 2016 Dated : 01 . 08 . 2018 of the Commissioner of School Education .

3 ) This office Lr . Roc . No . 11021 / 105 / 2018 - J SEC ( 1312912 / 2018 - J3 ) , Dated . 19 . 02 . 2019 addressed to the Govt .

4 ) Govt . Memo . No . MAU01 - 18021 / 74 / 2018 - D , dated . 10 / 01 / 2020 .

       The attention of all the Commissioners of ( 59 ) ULBs where Municipal School exists are invited to the references cited . In the reference 1st cited ( copy enclosed ) , the Special Chief Secretary to Government ( School Education Department ) have issued orders according permission to take action as per Govt . orders already issued in Memo . No . 79 / Ser . III - 1 / 2001 2 . Education ( Ser III ) Department , dated . 31 . 07 . 2003 for national increments from the date of their appointment as ST un - trained teachers till they acquire TTC qualification and monetary benefit will be allowed from the day following the last day of acquiring TTC qualification in respect of ST un - trained teachers recruited through DSC - 2000 , Spl . DSC - 2000 and DSC 2001 , Government have directed the Commissioner , School Education Department to take further necessary action accordingly . Accordingly , the Commissioner of School Education Department have communicated the orders of the Government 1st cited , to all the District Educational Officers and instructed to take necessary action for implementation . The same was implemented to the teachers working in Mandal Parishad / Zilla Parishad Schools vide reference 2nd cited .

3 . In the reference 3rd cited , a proposal had been submitted to the Government and requested to issue similar type of orders for implementation of Notional increments to ST Untrained Teachers working in Municipal Management as was done in the School Education Department , at the earliest .

4 . In the reference 4th cited ( copy enclosed ) , Government after careful examination keeping in view of Teachers Associations and Hon ' ble Teacher MLCs , have accorded permission to the Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration , Andh


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