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AP: SMC Chairman and Vice Chairman Election Schedule and Guidelines

Guidelines for the conduct of election of Chairman , Vice Chairman and members of School Management Committees ( SMICS ) in the Schools ( except unaided private schools ) in the state based on G . O . Ms . No : 41 School Edn ( PE - SSA ) Dept , Dated : 19 . 06 . 2013 . In exercise of the power conferred by

sub - section ( I ) of Section 38 of the RTE Act 2009 , the Government of Andhra Pradesh made the rules , called as " The Andhra Pradesh Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rule 2010 or ' APRTE Rules , 2010 and subsequently amended from time to time .

They shall be deemed to have into force with eflect from April , 2010 Definitions ll these rules , unless the content otherwise require ,

1 ) " Act " means The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009 ,

2 ) " Anganwadi ' Incans in Anganwadi Centre stablished under the Integrated Child development Scheme of the Ministry of Women and Child Development of the Gocruitment of India .

3 ) Chilu " means any child male or female in the age group of 6 to 14 years and includes a child who has completed five years of age as o l September of the year of druvission . .

4 ) Child belonging to socially disadvantaged group means and includes a child belonging to the schedule ste , schedule tribe , orphans , Migrant and Street children , Children With Special Needs and HIV affected infected children .

5 ) A child belonging to Weaker Sections " means a child helonging to BC , Minorities and includes 0Cs whose parents " income do not exceed Rs . 60 , 000 / - Per srinutri ,

6 ) * Collector " means the head of civil and revenue administration in the district

7 ) “ Corporator " means elected member of a ward of a Municipal Corporation within the limits of Andhra Pradesh

8 ) “ Councilor " means elected Incumber of a word of an urban local body

9 ) * District ' rmeans a revenue district of the State ,

10 ) District Educational Officer ( DEO ) ' means the officer responsible for implementing the programmes for elementary education and district level . IIFECE " rrears Early Childhood Care Centrestablished by Sarva Siksha Abhiyaan in the premises of primary schools or elsewhere to provide pre - school education to the children in the age group of 3 . 5 year .

12 ) * Elcumentary School ' means a school that imparts education between first and eighth class either exclusively or in addition to education in other classes , and

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