Rc. No. TSS/AMO/SCI1/2017-18 Dt: 29 07 2018 Conducing of School Complex meetings for the year 2018-19 and communication of Agenda for First School Complex meeting August 2018


Present: Dr.K Ravikanth Rao, MA.. M.Ed.,Ph.D.

Rc. No. TSS/AMO/SCI1/2017-18 Dt: 29 07 2018 Conducing of School Complex meetings for the year 2018-19 and communication of Agenda for First School Complex meeting August 2018


     TSSA Conducing of School Complex meetings for the year 2018-19 and communication of Agenda tor First School Complex mceting August 2018- instructions issued


         1 Acedemic Calendar 2019-19 issued by the Comiissioner and Director of Schocl Education. TS. Hyderabad

       2. Sclhool Academic Calendar, Siddipet District 2018-19


                 issuad by this Office All the Mancal Educational otticers and School Complox Headmasters are hereby infomed that the Commissioner and Director of School Education, TS, Hyderabad issued orders to ccnduct 6 Schocl Complex maetings during the acadcmic year 2018-19. In tris con ext a detailed Agenda is communicated to ccnduct the First School complex meeting in the mcrth of July/August 2018. The timings of the Schcdl complex meotings shall be 9:30 AM to 4:45 PM. EVS subject shall bc covered in the First Primary Schocl Complex g The Mandal Educational Officcrs and School Complex Heacmasters shall concuct Schcol Complex meelings for bcth the Secondary school level and Primary school level as per the schedule given balow without any deviaticn

Half of the PS teachers in the Mandal shall attend the complex meeting at the venue decided by MEO Further all the Mandal Educational Officers are requosted to co-orcinate with Headmasters, SCs, Principals of Primary/High schocls/Model schools/KGBVs for smooth conduct of School complex meetings and axcending every possiblc support in respect of providing Resource Persons Printed material pertaining to conterits menticned in the Agenda. After succeseful conducting of the meetings, the MEOs shall eubmit the copies of Atendarce sheets, Absentee statement and Minutes of the proceedings of the School complex meetings by 13-8-2018. Casual Leaves shall not be sanctioned to teachars concernod by Headmasters/S0s/Principals un the day of School ccmpex meetings.

District Educational Officer & Ex- Officio TSSA., Siddipet.

All the Mandal Ecucational Officere ir thc district.
All the School Complex Head Masters. through MEOs concerred)
All the Headmasters/Princials/Special officers (through MEOs ccncemcd)

Copy subrmitted to
The C&DSE, Telangana, Hyderabad for kird informat on
Copy submitted to the Director, SCERT, Telangana for kind information.

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