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AP: F2/3058/2018, DT 01.08.18 Extension of benefit of Death -cum- Retirement Gratuity and extension of option of Invalidation Pension and Family Pension

The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Amaravati

AP: F2/3058/2018, DT 01.08.18 Extension of benefit of Death -cum- Retirement Gratuity and extension of option of Invalidation Pension and Family Pension


NATIONAL PENSION SYSTEM-Contributory Pension Scheme-Extension of benefit of Death -cum- Retirement Gratuity and extension of option of Invalidation Pension and Family Pension to the State Government employees covered by NPS and their family members in case of premature exit due to Invalidation/Death-Orders issued by Government Instructions Issued.


01)Govt. Memo No. 30857/422/A1/Peni/2010, Dated 08/03/2010 of Finance Pen) Department

02). GO Ms. No. 62, Dated 07/03/2014 of Finance (PenI) Department

03) GO Ms. No. 107, Dated 29/06/2017 of Finance (HRV-Pension, GPF) Dept

04).GO Ms. No. 121, Dated 18/07/2017 of Finance (HRV-Pension GPF) Dept

05). GO Ms No. 47, Dated 20/04/2018 of Finance (HRV Department.


                  Attention of all the Deputy Directors of District Treasuries in the State; and the Assistant Treasury Officer, Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Treasury, Amaravati Ibrahimpatnam is invited to the Government Orders 01 cited wherein the Government have extended the benefit of Family Pension, Retirement/ Death Gratuity to the State Govemment employees, who are joined Govemment service on or after 01/09/2004 and covered under National Pension System. The benefit extended was withdrawn in Government Orders 02 cited on issuing of PFRDA guidelines 2 The Government in the Orders 03 to 05h cited, have extended the following benefits to the State Govenment employees, who joined Govenment serice on or after 01/09/2004 and covered under National Pension Systemc-

a) Benefit of Death -cum- Retirement Gratuity' on the same terms and conditions, as applicable to the State Government employees governed by the Andhru Prudesh Revised Pension Rules, 1980; and

b) Option to receive Invalidation Pension or Family Pension in case of premature exit due to imtalidation/death, whatever the case may be, on par with the emplogees governed by the Andhna Pradesh Revised Pension Rules, 1980, subject to condition that the Accumulated Pension Weulth in the PRAN account of the employee subscriber concerned shall be remitted back to On eamination of the procedures envisaged by the PFRDA in such matters in their File No.

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