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AP: G.O.RT.No. 215 Dated 25-07-2018 Implementation  of  Mid-Day Meal  (Cooked) Programme  for the  students  studying Intermediate  Education in  all  the Government  Junior Colleges in  the State


  Implementation  of  Mid-Day Meal  (Cooked) Programme  for the  students  studying Intermediate  Education in  all  the Government  Junior Colleges in  the State –  Guidelines - Orders  –  Issued.


AP: G.O.RT.No. 215 Dated 25-07-2018 Implementation  of  Mid-Day Meal  (Cooked) Programme  for the  students  studying Intermediate  Education in  all  the Government  Junior Colleges in  the State

R ea d t hef ol lo wi ng From  the  Commissioner  of  Intermediate  Education,  A.P.,  Guntur Lr.Rc.No.Acad.II-1/MDM/2016, dated 01-06-2018. 2. 3. 4. From  the  Commissioner  of  Intermediate  Education,  A.P.,  Guntur Lr.Rc.No.Acad.II-1/MDM/2016, dated 026-06-2018. From  the Commissioner  of School  Education,  A.P., Amaravathi Lr.Rc.No.119/MDM/2018, dated 06-07-2018. E-mail  received  from  National  Institute of Nutrition,  Hyderabad dated 6-7-2018.

-0- O R D  E R: :-

            In  order  to  strengthen  the  Intermediate  Education  and  to  reduce  the drop  outs,  to  avoid Class  room  hunger,  to  increase  enrolment,  to  increase Attendance,  to  reduce  Gender  Gap,  to  foster  Social  Equity,  to  redress  Mal Nutrition,  to  promote  Community  participation  and  also  to  Women Empowerment in  Intermediate  Education Sector,  the  Government of  Andhra Pradesh has decided to introduce Nutrition Meals  Programme  (Mid  Day  Meal scheme)  in  (450) Government Junior  colleges.

2. Accordingly,  Government have  decided to  implement Mid-Day Meal Programme by  giving  hot  cooked  food  to  the  students  of  Intermediate Education in the  Government Junior  Colleges  in  the  State  from  01-08-2018 onwards  with a minimum 966 calories  and 27.85 protein content every day per student  by extending the same  from  High Schools/Centralised  kitchens on par  with 9th  and 10 class  students  for  the  academic  year 2018-19.

3. Government have  decided to provide  Mid-Day-Meal  Programme  by  the same Head  Masters  of  School  Education to the  Intermediate  students  in  (331) Government  Junior  Colleges  where  they  are  together  in  the  same  campus.    In the  remaining (119) Government Junior  Colleges,  the  adjacent  Head  Masters of  School  Education shall  provide  the  Mid-Day-Meal  by transporting  it  from  the nearby school  at the  cost  of  Intermediate  Education Department.

4. Government  hereby  decided to implement the  Mid-Day Meal  (Cooked) programme during the  current financial  year  i.e.  01-08-2018 upto  last  working day of the academic  year  2018-19 to  cover  1,74,683 students  of  Intermediate Education studying  in  Government Junior  Colleges  with an estimated cost  of Rs.56.53  crores  i.e.  cooking  cost  Rs.23.75  crores, Supply of  eggs  Rs.13.08 crores,  honorarium to  Cook-cum-helpers  for 10  months  Rs.1.90  crores, cost towards  food  grains  and transportation  charges  Rs.17.80  crores   through the Commissioner  of  School  Education Department.

5. For effective implementation  of the  Mid-Day-Meal  (Cooked) Programme,  Government hereby  issue certain guidelines  for  monitoring supervision and review  as  annexed to  this  order.

6. The Commissioner  of  School  Education  and  Commissioner  of Intermediate  Education  shall  coordinate  and  issue  necessary  instructions  to the  concerned  in  this  regard.

7. The  Commissioner  of  Intermediate  Education,  A.P.,  Guntur  being a Nodal  Officer  for  the  Mid-Day-Meal  Programme,  is  requested to  submit a detailed  progress  report  on  the Programme every weekend to the  Government without fail.


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