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AP: Memo No.ESE 01/122/Prog.IVA1/2018 Dated 10.05.2018 Merging of SSA , RMSA and CSSTE


AP: Memo No.ESE 01/122/Prog.IVA1/2018 Dated 10.05.2018 Merging of SSA , RMSA and CSSTE


         School Education-Integration of Centrally Sponsored Schemes of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), Rashtriya Madhyamika Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) and Teacher Education (CSSTE) into one Single State Implementation Society (SIS) at the State Level - Permission accorded to register a society as Andhra Pradesh Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan, Amaravati under Societies Registration Act, 2001- Orders- Issued


      1. Letter D.O.No.2-16/2017-EE-3 dated 16.11.2018, of the Secretary Ministry of HRD, Dept. of School Education & Literacy, Gol, New Delhi.
2. Letter D.O.No.2-16/2017-EE-3 dated 22.01.2018, of the Joint Secretary, Ministry of HRD, Dept. of School Education & Literacy Gol, New Delhi.
3. Letter D.O.No.11-2/2017-EE-13 dated. 03.04.2018 of the Joint Secretary, Ministry of HRD, Dept. of School Education & Literacy, Gol, New Delhi.
4. Letter No. F2-16/2017-EE-3 Dated 05.04.2018 from the Director Ministry of HRD, Dept. of School Education & Literacy, Gol, New Delhi.
5. PEMANDU recommendations of 2016. 6. Lr.Rc.No.1026/Estt.ll/2017. dated: 28.04.2018 from the Commissioner of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Amaravati.


               In the circumstances reported by the Commissioner of School Education, A.P Amaravati in the reference 6th cited, and after careful examination of the matter Government hereby accord permission to the Commissioner of School Education A.P. Amaravat and Rashtr kisting societies of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) yamika Shiksha Abkiyan (RMSA)She lis also permitted to to dissolve  integrate Centrally Sponsored Schemes of SSA, RMSA and Teacher Education into Single State Implementation Society (SIS) and register a new society in the name of "Andhra Pradesh Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan", Amaravati with necessary objectives, functions, rules, consisting of Executive Committee, General Council etc., under Societies Registration Act, 2001 to undertake all activities which are required for furtherance of Integrated Scheme for School Education (ISSE) through this new Society at all levels. Approved Memorandum of Association and Bye-laws of the new society are sent herewith.

            2. The Commissioner of School Education, A.P, Amaravati is also informed that final orders in the matter will be issued separately The Commissioner of School Education, A.P., the State Project Director

           3. SSA, A.P. and the Director, RMSA, A.P. shall take further action accordingly



The Commissioner of School Education. A.P., Amaravati. The State Project Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan., A.P., Amaravati. The Director, Rastriya Madhyamika Shiksha Abhiyan., A.P. Amaravati The Director, State Council of Educational Research and Training. A.P Amaravati Copy submitted to the Secretary, Department of School Education and Literary Copy submitted to the Private Secretary to the Hon'ble Minister for H.R.D M.H.R.D., Government of India, New Delhi Government of Andhra Pradesh, Amaravati FORWARDED BY ORDER



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