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TS: Rc,No. 1248 /TSSA/MIS/TT/2014 Dated: 28/03/2018 Planning & MIS Updation of GIS mapping of schools -Certain guidelines issued

Present: G.Kishan, LA.S.,

TS: Rc,No. 1248 /TSSA/MIS/TT/2014 Dated: 28/03/2018 Planning & MIS Updation of GIS mapping of schools -Certain guidelines issued


          TSSA, Hyderabad Planning & MIS Updation of GIS mapping of schools -Certain guidelines issued Reg.


            It is informed that, as a part of AWP&B 2018-19 school mapping exercise with GIS to be taken up in 2017-18. In this exercise Latitude, Longitude and to capture the photographs of infrastructure facilities i.ee school building, toilets, drinking water, electricity, compound wall Kitchen She ramp, science lab, d, computer lab, digital classes to be collected from all the management schools to incorporate in GIS application To collect the above information develo mob app "TS SCHOOL" in hosted in Google play store. More than 600 new coordination with NIC and schools established during last two academic years as per UDISE 2017 in Govt and Pvt. Sector and nfrastructure of Govt. schools also increased Therefore the DEOs are direeted to issue necessary instructions to field level staff (CRPs) to visit the schools and collect the relevant data as mentioned above by using mobile app. The MEOB and complex HMs to be instructed to monitor the 100% of collection of information from all management schoo colleges. The time schedule for the entire work for updation is as shown below: l. Video Conference on GIS mapping of schools 29.03.2018 through Mobile App 'TS School" 2. Visits to schools and collection of data 31.03.2018 to 15.04.2018 They are further informed that an amount of Rs.75/- per school towards TADAhonorarium, nternet charges shall be paid to the field level staff for carrying out the above work. The expenditure shall be met from the Management Cost of respective districts budget.


G.Kishan Commr. & Director of School Education & Ex-officio State Project Director

All the DEO and Ex-Officio Project Officers ofTelangana State

Copy to the

Finance Controller of this office for information



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