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Sanction of 2nd installment School Grand for PMShri schools 2024-25

Sanction of 2nd installment School Grand for PMShri schools 2024-25

Programmatic Norms

. School grant on an annual basis for annual maintenance and replacement of non-functional school equipment and for incurring other recurring costs, such as consumables, laboratories, internet, water, development of specific teaching aids/tools by school teachers to enhance classroom learning in the school under LEP etc.

.Organization of Annual function, Awareness camps/ programs/ celebrations of national programmes/activities.

.Extracurricular activities such as Summer Camps. Drawing/Dance/Debate competitions, Bagless Days, etc.

.Promote Swach Bharat campaign.

.All schools to make efforts for convergence with the provisions of various other departments, such as, playgrounds, boundary walls, electrification, maintenance of toilets, solar panel, ramps and handrails, etc.

Suggestive Action Items

1. Action based activities such as tree plantations, cleanliness drives could be arranged both within and outside the school campus, i.e., in the classrooms, school garden, school playground, neighbourhood, community etc.

2. Recycle bins could be placed at various places in schools to promote recycling of waste among students, teachers and other employees.

3. The school could fix a day of the week and declare that the cleanliness day on which they would spend their time on cleaning the areas surrounding them either in their locality or nearby their school.

4. The school could ensure fresh and clean water for the purposes like for drinking. washing hands, toilets, cleaning School, and also should have the clean water storage facility.

5. The Water resources and hand-washing facilities could be regularly cleaned and must be children friendly. The school should regularly check for the cleanliness of water resources and water storage and also should maintain hygiene at the toilet and other places which are used frequently.

6. The schools could have separate toilets for boys and girls (both toilets to be disabled friendly) maintaining the ratio of one-unit toilet containing one toilet and three urinals for 40 students.

7. The students could be taught the process and benefits of land-filing so that they can motivate their parents and neighbours to adapt to it instead of spreading the pile of garbage.

The students could be taught the process and benefits of land-filing so that they can motivate their parents and neighbours to adapt to it instead of spreading the pile of garbage.

8. ine students in rural area couia visit ail nearby houses in their village and request people to not defecate in open by telling them the dark side of it. They could also motivate them to use household toilets.

9. Annual Day/Sports Day could be celebrated every year where students can showcase their talent. Parents should also be invited to attend such occasions.

10. Schools could ensure resource integration by establishing tie-ups with local artists and organisations at district, state, national and if possible, even international level for co- curricular activities.

11. Circles like Music & Dance Performance Circles, Poetry Circles, Drama Circles, Debate Circles and so on could be encouraged and supported at the levels of schools, school complexes, districts, and beyond.

12. The school could also plan some awards for the students to laud their valuable support towards cleanliness.

The above-mentioned activities are only suggestive in nature, schools can design/plans activities based on context or specific needs of the school.


1. School has adequate number of separate toilets for girls/boys/transgender/CWSN) and they are clean, and functional with running water. Hand wash area is clean, accessible, adequate and functional

II. School provides internship / bagless days/ entrepreneurship opportunities with local industry through internships.

III. The school has adequate rooms or space/s for art education, such as for, art, sculpture, music, dance, theatre, Topic circles/clubs, etc

IV. School ensures safety and security of students in residential facilities

V. The hostel fosters a culture of cleanliness and hygiene. Girls' hostel has sanitary pad vending machine as well as incinerators

VI. School ensures organisation of Annual function, Awareness camps/ programs/ celebrations of national programmes/activities every year

General guidelines:

The SMC should make resolutions to utilise grants on the above mentioned items and resolutions shall be maintained accordingly

Social audit snaill be done by SMC on utilisation of the grants.

Stock and issue registers shall be maintained for the items procured and utilised.

Expenditure and balance available shall be displayed on the notice board.

Discussion on utilisation of grants shall be conducted at monthly SMC meetings.

Cash book and vouchers shall be maintained for all the transactions.

Headmasters / Principals are responsible for utilization of grants as per guidelines at school level.

The DEO staff and MEO shall monitor the utilization AFO shall monitor the utiliza of grants, as MGO is ‎‫مد‬‎ Noda cars fu fr pm shri schools The State Finance Controller of this office is requested fo release the balance

50% of annual school grant of Rs.111.375 lakhs (Rupees one crore eleven lakhs thirty seven thousand and five hundred only) to the School Management Committees of 2nd phase 251 PMSHRI schools as approved in PMSHRI PAB for the year 2024-25.

a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qtvvFapDlUwU7P2tGjXStvo9wQmQOZ-V/view?usp=drivesdk">Click here to download the entire list


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