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Tourism Promotion Guidelines for "Telangana Darshini" programme for students from classes 2nd to Graduation G.O.Rt. No. 280 Dated: 26-09-2024

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YAT & C (T&PMU) Department - Tourism Promotion Guidelines for "Telangana Darshini" programme for students from classes 2nd to Graduation - Orders Issued.


Tourism Promotion Guidelines for "Telangana Darshini" programme for students from classes 2nd to Graduation G.O.Rt. No. 280 Dated: 26-09-2024


Telangana, with its rich cultural heritage, historical significance and diverse natural beauty offers a plethora of tourism opportunities and it is one of the leading tourist Hubs that seamlessly blends ancient heritage with modern vibrancy, showcasing majestic temples, historical forts, lush Eastern Ghats, dynamic urban landscapes and vibrant traditions, inviting tourists to explore its multifaceted cultural heritage. There are eminent scientific, educational institutions as well to visit and be aspired for, by young minds

2. Travel and Tourism not only boosts the local economy, but also plays a crucial role in educating students and engaging them in meaningful recreational activities. Tailor made travel plans for schools plays a crucial role in the academic program as they offer the students to learn outside of the classroom and get useful practical experience. There is a proverb that goes "I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I comprehend".

3. Government after careful examination of the matter, hereby intends to offer an exclusive range of tour plans for "Telangana Darshini" program structured for the students ranging from the classes 2nd to Graduation for educational and cultural experiences.

Broad guidelines for the programme:

➤ The tour must include places known for eco tourism, art & crafts, heritage and places of Cultural, historical & scientific importance, etc.

➤ Shall be conducted during weekdays/working days

➤ Eligibility

I category: 2nd to 4th class

Will visit nearest monuments or heritage sites or park within the same village or Mandal (day trip).

• Il category: 5th to 8th class

Will visit places within 20 kms to 30 kms (day trip)

• III category: 9th class to Intermediate

 Will visit places within 50 kms to 70 kms (two days trip)

•IV category: Graduation

Visit places anywhere in the State but outside their District (4 days trip)