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Mahabubabad-Adjustment of Teachers to Needy Schools on work adjustment Proc. Rc.No.2385/A3/2024, Date: 11.07.2024


Mahabubabad-Adjustment of Teachers to Needy Schools on work adjustment Proc. Rc.No.2385/A3/2024, Date: 11.07.2024

Present: P. Rama Rao.

Sub: School Education-SS-Mahabubabad-Adjustment of Teachers to Needy Schools on work adjustment Proposals called for-Reg.


The committees are here by constituted with the following officials/Complex Head Masters for Adjustment of Teachers to Needy Schools from the Schools where the Surplus teachers are available based on the enrollment on work adjustment base in the district during the year 2024-2025.

A. Mandal Committee for adjustment within the Mandal:

1. Mandal Educational Officer concerned.

2. Mandal Nodal Officer concerned.

3. All Complex Headmasters in the Mandal.

B. Committee for adjustment from Mandal to Mandal:

1. Mandal Educational Officer-Bayyaram.

2. Mandal Educational Officer-Nellikudur.

3. Mandal Educational Officer-Kothaguda.

The Mandal Committees and mandal to mandal committees are instructed to submit proposals for work adjustments by finalizing at their level to the needy schools based on the enrollment identifying from surplus teachers within the Mandal and mandal to mandal in case of non availability of teachers within the mandal and submit to the undersigned by 15. 7.2024 for taking further action.

Accordingly, all the Mandal Educational Officers in the District are requested to take necessary action for smooth functioning of the Schools.

The receipt of these proceedings should be acknowledged.

Sd/-P. Rama Rao District Educational Officer Samagra Shiksha, Mahabubabad


All the Mandal Educational Officers in the District.

All the Mandal Nodal Officers in the Distrcit.

All the Complex Headmasters in the Distrcit.

Copy submitted to the District Collector for favour of information.

Copy submitted to the Commissioner, School Education, TG, Hyderabad for favour of information.

// Attested//

Assistant Director O/o District Educational Office, Mahabubabad

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