Revised Menu for Mid Day Meals Rc.No.33/MDM/2023, Dated: 01.06.2023
Sub: SE Department- PM POSHAN (Mid Day Meals) - Revised Menu for Mid Day Meals -order Issued - Regarding.
All the District Educational Officers are informed that Joint Review Mission team has visited the State and informed to revise the menu of PM POSHAN (MDM Scheme). The National Institute of Nutrition has suggested the following Menu.
Therefore, they are requested to issue instructions to all the Mandal Educational Officers and Head Masters to implement the revised said Menu strictly w.e.f. 12.6.2023, without fail, and see to maintain food safety and hygiene..
Sd/- A. Sridevasena Director, School Education
All the District Educational Officers in the State. Copy to the Regional Joint Director of School Education, Hyderabad & Warangal for favor of information.
Copy to the Secretary, Food Commission. Telangana, Hyderabad.
//True Copy Attested//
Deputy Director/6/2023
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